
  • Rafiq: Game Master
  • Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 6
  • Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-elf Swashbuckler Rogue 6
  • Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, High Elf Twilight Cleric 6


Dalen's Call

It is a Uroim, the 9th of Empyrea 1892. Krimewatch has just finished inciting rebellion against EchoTech among the citizens of Mosskach, sector 7 of Mosskach, and they are showering the party with racuous cheers. Arche gets a sudden, terse text from Dalen telling them to come to Ilrinia now. As Krimewatch flies away, Zel'eon and Arche on their wings, and Senzorin on Miranai, his Ignifera-infused motorcycle, depositing themselves in the parking lot behind Mosskach, Arche delivers this message to the rest of the party.

As the late afternoon sun rises in the sky, the party arrives at Dregdul's auto shop. Laura and Dregdul are sitting down playing cards while not paying much attention to the news story unfolding on the TV, portraying Krimewatch as violent rebels. Zel'eon tells Dregdul they have to go back to Ilrinia, and asks if he can take care of Rukh Zidul while they are gone. Dregdul is hesitant, having never led, and tells Zel'eon he doesn't think he can do it.

Thankfully, Laura steps up and tells the party she can lean on her clout amongst the remnants of the Peakers to organise them into a militia against EchoTech, but she needs resources. The party discuss aomngst themselves, and eventually decide to give her all the weapons from the Peaker facilities they raided, along with $25,000 in cash that was from Winter. Zel'eon also puts her in contact with Knox from the Shadewalkers, a gang in sector 8.

As this goes on, Arche tries using Aleph_Null's digital signature as a way to find out if EchoTech is listening in on them, surmising that since EchoTech was the biggest influence of digital influence, the two would be linked somehow. Unfortunately, this seeking led to Arche accidentally summoning the god, and Aleph_Null!Saziver appeared, freezing time for the rest of the people in the room. The two have a brief conversation, where Saziver again unsuccessfully tries to get back into Arche's good graces.

The Barricade

Krimewatch learns that Rukh Zidul is completely covered in transmutated walls of steel that prevents any ingress or egress. They begin scouting around the city to find any weakpoints, and indeed find a section of the wall that is malfunctioning. Unfortunately, five heavily armed EchoTech guards surrounded the two engineers working on restoring its function. Perched on a nearby rooftop, Zel'eon, Arche, and Senzorin begin planning.

Zel'eon snaked his way through the crowd of protestors surrounding the barricade's guards, diguised as a portly old lady. Senzorin mounts Miranai and prepares to take off towards the gate at the first sign of an opportunity to pass through as the transmutation field flickers. As he rockets off the rooftop, leaving a trail of flame behind him, Arche fires off a shot from her sniper rifle (unlocked with Zel'eon's technohemomancy), felling one of the drones before hopping down onto Miranai.

A skirmish ensues as the EchoTech guards try desperately to close the distance, but between the crowd of protestors and the insane levels of mobility Krimewatch has compared to the guards, they don't manage to, watching as Zel'eon's implants begin glowing a flaming red hot, burning away his disguise, before he fires a huge ball of elemental fire at the gate.

The party quickly deduce the engineers are holding an enchantment that doesn't let anyone through the barricade even when it is down, so they focus their fire on them. They are quickly dispatched, and without even a glance at the guards left standing on the street, they jet into Sector 6, Zel'eon splitting apart from the rest to hide.

The EchoTech guards begin to search Sector 6 but don't manage to find them. As Zel'eon, hiding by himself at one of the pig farms, begins searching for the other two, he realises he has no way of finding them. He looks up to a crack in the rock ceiling of the underground Sector 6, and sees the moon shining on him. He beseeches Ruatis for help, and a beam of moonlight begins to faintly shine down on a nearby bar.

Zel'eon arrives at the bar, only to see Senzorin and Arche talking opposite the bar. Senzorin looks emotional, telling his friends this is the bar where Einrow, his mentor and adoptive father, passed away after coming back from the heist where he stole the revolver that Senzorin now bears with fatal wounds. Arche and Zel'eon comfort him, telling Senzorin that Einrow would be proud of who he had turned out to be.

Senzorin wipes a tear off his cheek and begins to walk towards the front door of the bar, but stops suddenly, ducking back into the alleyway when he sees two EchoTech guards emerging from it. They decide to get out of the city as fast as they can. Senzorin briefly scouts the sector, and comes back telling them he found a car they could use. He takes out the Vortex Blade he looted from Winter, and begins to focus on it. In a flash of darkness, he is teleported inside the car.

The next thing Zel and Arche see is Senzo rolling down the window and puking down the side of the car. Arche laughs and asks Senzo if it's his first time teleporting, and Senzorin, still green, nods weakly. Arche tells him the first time she teleported as a kid, she was in bed for a week. Regardless, now that they acquired the car, the party convince Miranai to pull the car out of the city and over to a small cove that Einrow once told Senzorin was unknown to anyone but them. As they settle in the car, Miranai reluctantly pulls it along and out of the city as Arche pulls out her phone.

Zel'eon in the front seat dozes off almost immediately, emotionally and physically exhausted. Arche begins to look through the news feeds and social media in an attempt to figure out why they were being called back to Ilrinia. She finds out that mass protests and riots are happening in Ilrinia, both for and against the Rah'Zuhari terrorists. Arche and Senzorin also deduce, through some conspiracy theorists on Trillr, that the 8 Archmages of the Council of Aenyrathia seem to be back in Ilrinia, which is something that Arche recalls has never happened. Eventually though, Krimewatch drifts off to sleep.

Finding the Cove

As the Ruatis sun shines through the window of the car, the party awake to find Miranai grazing along the side of an empty road. Consulting her phone's GPS, Arche tells the rest they should be around where the hidden cove is. Senzorin thinks to himself, but can't find where the cove might be from land. He decides to take off on Miranai, flying over the waves just like how Einrow once showed him the cove when he was a kid.

Being on the waves made Senzorin reminisce about his mentor once again, feeling uneasy at being at sea without the comforting sound of Einrow telling stories to him. In an attempt to quell this feeling, he begins talking to Miranai, not even really listening to what he's saying. Miranai does not reply, but instead radiates a comforting warmth towards Senzorin. In short order, though, he finds the cove with the landmarks he remembers being told by Einrow, and goes up the cliff to go find the rest of the party.

Meanwhile, Zel'eon sharpens the blades of all the members of the party as he and Arche talk about why the Archmages could be back in Ilrinia, worrying what this could mean for them, and lamenting the fact that they're still not strong enough to go up against EchoTech. As Senzorin arrives telling them he found the secret cove, Zel'eon gets a mischevious look on his face, and gets back in the car with Arche in the backseat.

He immediately guns it to the maximum speed and hurtles through the field of grass between the road and the cliff edge, tearing off the driver car door with his tendrils of blood. Arche climbs out the window onto Miranai, and Zel'eon drives the car all the way to the edge before hopping out and spreading his wings wide to arrest his momentum, watching the car fall into the water.

As they land on the rocky outcropping next to the small tunnel leading underground in the cove, Arche tells them she saw something in the tall grass as they were driving through, a large hulking beast. Zel'eon confirms this to likely be a Bramblefang, a breed of large beasts that stalk the Pig Iron Sea. Regardless, they proceed into the underground tunnel that Senzorin knew led to a small cove only Einrow knew about.

Travelling through the tunnel, the party discovers it branches off into many other tunnels leading deeper under Ibuth, though all these tunnels were marked with signs warning of danger beyond them. They take note of this but proceed on, eventually seeing sunlight illuminating the tunnel.

Einrow's Inheritance

Senzorin is first out of the tunnel, but as he takes his first step onto the white sand of the cove, he stops short. Zel and Arche ask him what's the matter, but then notice the same thing Senzo just did: A small, elegant schooner docked in the cove with a rolled up black flag. Shaking, Senzorin shoots the rope that binds the flag, and as the flag unfurls, his suspicions were confirmed. The flag is a Jolly Roger with elf ears, the symbol of Einrow's old pirate crew. At this, Senzorin sprints towards the harbour.

As he reaches the ship, he stops short once again as the scent of sandalwood fills his nostrils. He realises the whole ship is made of the wood, the same one that Einrow wore as perfume all his life. He gingerly walks up the gangplank and walks into the captain's cabin. He sees a opulent spread of furniture, chief among which was a large velour chair upholstered in royal purple in front of a large table. As he sits down in the chair, he begins to examine the various navigational charts spread out on top of it, realising they're all marked with Einrow's notes.

As Arche walks in, she spots a small white envelope on the table with a wax seal matching Einrow's crew's logo. She wordlessly passes it to Senzorin, who opens it and begins to read. Arche watches as tears begin to stream from her friend's eyes as he reads Einrow's letter, the contents of which were:

To my son,

  I'm glad you finally found this yourself. Do you like the ship? These charts, and the ship, are your inheritance. I even named it after my favourite one! Make sure your first destination is Mosskach; I wanna see the look you have on your face.

See you soon,
Einrow Whitebeard

As Senzorin wipes the tears away, Zel'eon walks in the room, telling Senzorin to come take a look at the starboard side of the ship. As the three friends walk over, they see what Einrow meant by naming it after his favourite ship; emblazoned on the side of the ship in white text were the simple words: S.S OBSESSESS.

Back to Ilrinia

As Krimewatch is sailing on the open sea, on the way back to Ilrinia, Arche's phone begins going off. She realises she finally got service and Dalen has been blowing up her phone. She checks the news, and again grimaces. Arche walks over to the other two and shows them what happened; it is now public knowledge that Krimewatch were the ones who slew the Storm Serpent, kicking off this whole situation.

Dalen tells them to meet him at one of the more secluded docks in Ilrinia, and Senzorin navigates his way there. As the sun begins to set on the 10th of Empyrea 1892, they arrive, anchoring the SS Obsessess, and walk towards Dalen, who they see looks like he aged ten years since they last saw him. He smiles a grim smile at them, and is about to walk over when Arche spies a flash of movement, and as Krimewatch and Dalen look up towards the sky, they see five wood elf assassins jumping down from the shipping containers, ambushing them.

Experience Points

Krimewatch gains 1.5k experience points from escaping Sector 7, 600 from escaping the city, and finally 300 experience points from finally getting back to Ilrinia. In total, the party gains 2,400xp, bringing them to 20,600 total experience points.

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